
Spoiler Dr. Stone Manga 160 Release Date and More

We got some updates for you guys about Dr. Stone manga: let ‘s discuss next chapter 160. We’ve got a recap of Chapter 159 so when the newest chapter was finally released you guys can easily remember the plot.

Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 159 Recap

From the information provided from Luna, Dr. Xeno realized the leader of the enemy was not Dr. Taiju but Senku Ishigami. Stan may have adjusted his target, but he didn’t know who to aim for. Dr Xeno used a disk holding the voice of Senku to estimate Senku’s height. He told Stan in a moment to aim for a nineteen-year-old boy who stands at five feet and seven inches. On deck, Stan saw three people matching the features. He was about to fire but wanted to ask Dr. Xeno for confirmation. Dr Xeno orders him to kill Senku. Ryusui yelled before Stan could shoot, warning others of a nearby sniper. Stan was seeing the mayhem and decided to shoot at Senku for his target. Senku made a bullet proof bag consisting of potato starch and water while he was hiding. The bullet pierced through the wood and hit the bulletproof bag.

Dr. Stone Manga Synopsis 

The story centers around Taiju Ooki, a regular high school student who, after five years of silence, would like to admit his feelings to Yuzuhira Ogawa. But just before his confession, a mysterious green light suddenly appears and strikes the earth and somehow turns every single human being into a stone. Thousands of years later, Taiju wakes up to find that the modern world has been completely exiled, leaving nature here and there to thrive with the stones of human statues. Then Taiju meets another living human being, Senkuu, and both would like to bring humanity back to science. Sadly, their plan does not seem to run properly as they meet another survivor, Tsukasa, who wants to build his own empire. Taiju and Senkuu will eventually have to work with each other to beat back Tsukasa’s plan and bring back humanity.

Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 160 Prediction and Spoiler

Reading this manga was a lot of fun. This time around, I hope Senku did not die. He was the only one worthy of leading others in the stone-age era. We might see how the Ryusui and the others would try to arrest Stan in the next chapter. Luna would most likely not be able to answer their inquiries, realizing she was the spy of the enemy.


Dr. Stone Manga Chapter 160 Release Date


Can’t wait to read chapter 160 of Dr. Stone manga? The last chapter was issued in July 19th. Since this manga released each week, we might be getting another new chapter next week! You can read Dr. Stone manga on various manga hosting available online. And if you don’t want to miss it out, stay tuned on our website!

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