
Spoiler Apotheosis Manhua Chapter 764 Release Date and More

Good day! Today, we will give you insights of Apotheosis Manhua chapter 764. First, let’s have a recap on what happened in chapter 763.

Apotheosis Manhua Chapter 763 Recap

Luo Zheng’s inner world was shattered by the Blacksmith because he sought to resist. Han Liu, on the other hand, seemed to be aware of the Blacksmith’s identity. Although the Blacksmith was a strong man, his approach was banned, and he was exiled from the city. Then she realized that the Blacksmith was preparing to slay Luo Zheng. Han Liu Su tried and failed to capture the Blacksmith as swiftly as she could. Luo Zheng was finally refined by the Blacksmith.

Apotheosis Manhua Synopsis

Luo Zheng, an ex-young master of the Lou Family, tells his story. After something happened to his father, his sister was stolen by a great force, leaving him to be seized by someone who used him as a punching bag for a punching class. Luo Zheng intended to burn his father’s antique book one day, but the gold parchment climbed onto his body mysteriously. He had no idea that the enigmatic book revealed a hidden divine technique and gave him supernatural, tremendous strength. This Luo Zheng is the world’s most powerful weapon and mystical artifact. Luo Zheng then sets out to defeat all of his foes and overcome all hurdles in order to save his sister, Luo Yan.

Apotheosis Manhua Chapter 764 Spoiler

Luo Zheng will eventually gain a special ability. This power will astound the Blacksmith. Luo Zheng will undoubtedly kill the Blacksmith in the following episode. The chapter is going to be fascinating.

Apotheosis Manhua Chapter 764 Release Date

I know you feel hyped to the story. To get more understanding of the story, you may read Apotheosis Manhua chapter 763 which was just out today. Besides, the next chapter isn’t out yet and maybe will be published next week. With that being said, read Apotheosis Manhua on any website to read comic out there. Well, don’t forget to visit this site like everyday!

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