
What are the Best Hamstring Exercises to Do at Home?

Hamstring Exercises At Home-2

Hamstring exercises are important for improving flexibility, increasing muscular strength, preventing injury, and aiding performance in physical activities and sports. Fortunately, there are a number of highly effective hamstring workouts that require minimal to no equipment, making them easy to do at home.

Benefits of Hamstring Exercises

Working the hamstrings regularly through strength and stretching exercises provides many benefits for your legs and lower body. Developing stronger, more flexible hamstring muscles can help:

  • Enhance performance in sports that use hamstrings such as sprinting or kicking
  • Improve posture and spine alignment
  • Prevent common injuries like muscle strains and knee pain

Building muscular endurance and leg strength also helps support everyday movements like getting up from a chair, climbing stairs, or carrying heavy items.

Best At-Home Hamstring Exercises

Hamstring exercises typically either strengthen the muscles with resistance or challenge flexibility and range of motion. Here are five of the most effective at-home hamstring workouts:

Glute Bridges

Glute bridges (also known as hip raises) work the hamstrings eccentrically, which builds strength and helps prevent injury.

How to: Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor. Raise your hips toward the ceiling by engaging your core, hamstrings, and glutes. Lower slowly back down with control. Aim for 2-3 sets of 12-20 reps.

Single Leg Deadlifts

Single leg deadlifts challenge your balance while working the hamstrings through a full range of motion.

How to: Stand on one leg, hinge at the hip to lower your torso while extending the opposite leg behind you. Go down as far as you can while keeping a flat back, then stand back up. Maintain a tight core throughout. Do 10-15 reps then switch legs.

Standing Hamstring Stretch

Simple standing or seated toe-touch stretches lengthen tight hamstrings. Go slowly and avoid bounces.

How to: Sit upright or stand with legs straight, hinge forward from your hips and reach your hands toward your toes. Hold gentle stretch for 30 seconds. Complete 2-4 reps on each leg.

Sliding Leg Curls

Sliding leg curls isolate the hamstring muscles eccentrically. All you need is a smooth floor and slider disks, towels, or paper plates.

How to: Lie face up, place sliders/towels under heels. Keeping abs tight, dig heels down and slide legs in toward glutes. Slide back out with control. Build to 15-20 reps of small leg slides.


Yoga Poses Like Forward Folds

Yoga poses like seated forward folds, standing forward bends, and downward facing dog all stretch and strengthen the hamstrings. Hold pose for 30-60 seconds, 4-6 breaths.


Working the hamstrings at home provides tremendous benefits ranging from daily function to athletic performance. These five exercises – glute bridges, single leg deadlifts, hamstring stretches, sliding leg curls, and yoga flows – all challenge and develop hamstring strength, flexibility, and injury resilience with minimal equipment required. Doing these 2-3 times per week will lead to marked gains.

Focusing especially on the eccentric contractions during glute bridges, deadlifts, and sliding curls helps build muscular endurance critical for the hamstrings’ role in running and other sports. Combined with consistent stretching through standing toe touches and yoga poses, these at-home hamstring exercises provide everything you need for healthier, stronger legs and hips.

Also discover –  Hamstring Exercises At Home

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