
Spoiler Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Chapter 576 Release Date and more

Hello manhua lovers! I’ll tell you about Rebirth of the Immortal Cultivator chapter 575. The chapter has not been released yet, though, so why do we not take a look at what was left on the previous chapter.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Chapter 575 Recap

Chen Beixuan was eventually able to return to Chu Zhou. Other emperors probably paid their respects to Chen Beixuan. The Eight Dark Races, according to one of the emperors, had formed an alliance to exterminate the North Qiong sect. Chen Beixuan evidently did not fear the attacks, instead challenging the Eight Races to confront him on Yun Wu mountain. The next day, Chen Beixuan was meditating to increase his power when Azure Dragon appeared. Despite this, Chen Beixuan vowed to exclude the Eight Races.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Synopsis

Chen Fan, a monk who perished during the anti-cataclysm, dreams of returning to Earth in 500 years. When Chen was about 500 years old, he died during a Divine Retribution while attempting to rise to a higher level. He returned to Earth as his younger self. Chen is determined to combat anybody who wants to taunt him in some way, thanks to the everlasting cultivation technique and 500-year-old hidden arts. There are various stages of cultivation in Chen Fan’s country. It is classified into two kinds: non-immortal and immortal.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Chapter 576 Spoiler

Chen Beixuan’s threat would undoubtedly irritate the Eight Race Alliance. Will the coalition, however, attack Chen Beixuan? They will do so for a while, but Chen Beixuan would finally wash them all out.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Chapter 576 Release Date


Have you wanted to read chapter 576? Well, you first must read Rebirth of the Immortal Cultivator Manhua chapter 575 which was just released today. After that you need to wait for chapter 576 coming. When the chapter comes, you can read Rebirth of the Immortal Cultivator Manhua on your favorite websites to read comic. Well, always visit this site to know more fun information!

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