
Spoiler Sincerely: I Become A Duke’s Maid Manhwa Chapter 77 Release Date and More

Hello guys, what a great day! So, we will discuss about the spoiler of Sincerely: I Become A Duke’s Maid manhwa chapter 77. But, before we move on to that, let’s have a recap on the previous chapter first. Shall we?

Sincerely: I Become A Duke’s Maid Manhwa Chapter 76 Recap

Eleanora was so shocked when she and Diego saw Ibelina. Eleanora did, however, want an answer. Diego had no intention of describing what had happened at all. However, Diego managed to put Eleanora at ease. Then, her class started with Eleanora. During class with Ibelina, Eleanora saw Diego laughing, making her jealous. Ibelina, meanwhile, asked why Diego was so cold at Eleanora’s. Quickly, from the previous episode, she recalled everything. She was now uncertain, as a result, as to why she was interested in Diego.

Sincerely: I Become A Duke’s Maid Manhwa Synopsis

Liandro was hit by a hideous curse at a young age, shunned by his kin, and despised by the only ones he had ever known. He is condemned to a place of pain and isolation, as a supporting character in a novel. That is, until a sympathetic reader is transported suddenly as his humble maid to this fantasy world, ready to change his destiny! Can Evelina free Liandro from his wretched destiny and, after all, encourage him to find true love?

Sincerely: I Become A Duke’s Maid Manhwa Chapter 77 Spoiler

Ibelina changes the narrative inadvertently. She will know in the next chapter what she has further changed. She needs to decide, then, what the plot will be. That is why the next chapter will be so definitive.

Sincerely: I Become A Duke’s Maid Manhwa Chapter 77 Release Date


You think you’ve known everything, eh? Nope. You must read Sincerely: I Become A Duke’s Maid manhwa chapter 76 first to know everything. For further information, this manhwa was just released its chapter 76, so chapter 77 will be out no sooner than next week. Don’t be disappointed just yet, because you can always read Sincerely: I Become A Duke’s Maid manhwa on any comic-reading sites out there. Last but not least, remember to visit this site every day!

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