
Spoiler Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Chapter 589 Release Date and more

Hello manhua lovers! I’ll tell you about Rebirth of the Immortal Cultivator chapter 588. The chapter has not been released yet, though, so why do we not take a look at what was left on the previous chapter.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Chapter 588 Recap

From this, Chen Beixuan deduced that the Deity Fetus was Fan Qiong. And he promised to be the only emperor of the world. Meanwhile, the Divine Prince of the Taichu Sect learned what had happened to the Taichu temples on Earth. After the Grand Opportunity, he vowed to settle the score with Chen Beixuan. Chen Beixuan later emerged on the Deity land. He went to a nearby Palace after adjusting his appearance.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Synopsis

Chen Fan, a monk who perished during the anti-cataclysm, dreams of returning to Earth in 500 years. When Chen was about 500 years old, he died during a Divine Retribution while attempting to rise to a higher level. He returned to Earth as his younger self. Chen is determined to combat anybody who wants to taunt him in some way, thanks to the everlasting cultivation technique and 500-year-old hidden arts. There are various stages of cultivation in Chen Fan’s country. It is classified into two kinds: non-immortal and immortal.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Chapter 589 Spoiler

Chen Beixuan would potentially face opposition in the palace. It is in his essence to encounter adversaries. Regardless, Chen Beixuan will finally murder someone who insults him. Yes, the next chapter would be fantastic.

Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator Manhua Chapter 589 Release Date

I know you feel hyped to the story. To get more understanding of the story, you may read Rebirth of the Immortal Cultivator Manhua chapter 588 which was just out today. Besides, the next chapter isn’t out yet and maybe will be published next week. With that being said, read Rebirth of the Immortal Cultivator Manhua on any website to read comic out there. Well, don’t forget to visit this site like everyday!

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