
Spoiler Solo Leveling Manhwa Chapter 139 Release Date and More

Hello guys, today is going to be great because we’re gonna discuss Solo Leveling manhwa chapter 139! But before that, let’s take a look at the previous chapter’s recap. Shall we?

Solo Leveling Manhwa Chapter 138 Recap

What is going to happen on Earth, Regia continued to explain. Jin-Woo was worried too much about the influence of Regia and about the calamities that would follow. After the reasons were given, Regia asked Jin-Woo to let him release him. As Jin-Woo was about to break the chains, Regia sensed something strange. Hence, Jin-Woo wondered whether Regia was on the side of humanity. Regia, having been unable to answer the question, instead entered Jin-Woo. The result was predictable; Regia was killed right away by Jin-Woo. Since the king was hesitant to become a shadow soldier, instead, Jin-Woo served in the Regia Corps. Lady Selner, meanwhile, arrived to meet Christopher Reid. She said that within a week, Christopher would be dead.

Solo Leveling Manhwa Synopsis

Ten years ago, after the opening of the “Gate” connecting the real world to the monster world, some regular, everyday people were granted the power to chase monsters inside the Gate. “They are referred to as “Hunters”. Both Hunters, however, are not powerful. Sung Jin-Woo, a poor hunter who wants to be powerful, follows the plot. He’s an E-rank hunter who tries to become an S-hunter in his own way.

Solo Leveling Manhwa Chapter 139 Spoiler

In the next segment, Christopher Reid would be very surprised. Lady Selner will, however, clarify everything. Jin-Woo will, in the meantime, accept the praise of clearing the S-Rank Dungeon. Yet, he knows like there’s something wrong.

Solo Leveling Manhwa Chapter 139 Release Date


Well, well, well, the story ain’t got nothing but better and better, right? you can read Solo Leveling Manhwa chapter 138 which was just released today. You need to understand the chapter first while waiting for chapter 139 coming. Besides, chapter 139 will not be released until next week obviously. So, without further ado, read Solo Leveling Manhwa on your favorite website. Kindly check this site everytime!

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