
Spoiler Apotheosis Manhua Chapter 604 Release Date and More

Chapter 603 of Apotheosis was updated guys! Now it is time to turn to the next chapter, Chapter 604! To those of you who haven’t read chapter 603, don’t worry, below is a recap.

Apotheosis Manhua Chapter 603 Recap

Some of the Heaven Tree Wood Witchcraft block the group from moving forward. Someone had to sacrifice himself to save Lan Ran and Liu Yu from these bugs. Bai Wei is asking Xing Huo to use himself as bait, and he agrees. Not long after that, the insects are killing and consuming Xing Huo. Since there’s a curse, the group can’t just go up, they ‘re going to have to take the designated tree branch path. Before that, an ancient ritual site of the ancient witch race was discovered to lift the curse. They ‘re finally going to catch up with Lan Ran and Lui Yu, who are surrounded by a demon race. When the demon race begins to attack, Luo Zheng appears. Lui Yu seems to have known him.

Apotheosis Manhua Synopsis

The story focuses around Luo Zheng, the former, young master of the Lou Family. After something happened to his father, his sister was abducted by a powerful force, leaving him to be bullied by others and treating him as nothing more than a punching bag for a pounding lesson. One day, Luo Zheng tried to burn the ancient book of his father, and the gold parchment mysteriously climbed upon his body. The enigmatic book, which he knew nothing, exposes a secret spiritual technique and gives him a mystical, overwhelming power. The Luo Zheng’s been the world’s most powerful weapon and magical treasure. Then, Luo Zheng attempts to overcome all the opponents and obstacles to save his sister, Luo Yan.

Apotheosis Manhua Chapter 604 Prediction

The Bai Wei rescue team finally met Lan Ran and Lui Yu. In the next chapter guys, an inevitable battle is going to break out!  The fight will be between Luo Zheng and the demon race! We are certain that Luo Zheng will defeat them without unleashing his full power.

Apotheosis Manhua Chapter 604 Release Date


Can’t wait to read Apotheosis Manhua guys? It releases a chapter once in three or four days but now you can read Apotheosis Chapter 603 on any online website. So, on July 24th, the latest chapter was released. Chapter 604 can very possibly be out in less than a week. Make sure you keep an eye for it!

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