
The Methodology of Making Science Works

The Methodology of Making Science Works




The definition of Science works is a scientific essay that presents facts and is written according to a good and correct writing methodology. Science essays must be written honestly and accurately without remembering the consequences. Truth in scientific essays is objective and positive truth, according to data and facts in the field, not normative truth. Such scientific work is preceded by library research and field research. To compile a scientific work requires technical guidance, as will be published in this Article.

There are several types of scientific essays that are commonly written, such as Papers, Articles, Working Papers, Thesis, Thesis and Dissertation.



Papers are written works containing thoughts on a particular problem or topic that are written systematically and coherently, accompanied by logical and objective analysis. A short paper should have a maximum of 20 pages, while the rest is a long paper category.

Working Paper

Working papers are Scientific works that present something based on data in the field that is Empirical-Objective. Analysis in working papers is more serious than analysis in Papers. Working papers are usually written to be submitted in a Seminar or Workshop.


Scientific articles are written works that are published in journals or book collections of articles.

Thesis I
Thesis is a written scientific work compiled by a student of a Bachelor program (S1) from the results of research on the basis of primary data analysis (field observations) or secondary analysis (observations of existing data or literature) with a thickness of between 50 and 100 pages.

Thesis II
A thesis is a written scientific work compiled by a graduate student (S2) from the results of research and problem identification on the basis of theories derived from a number of tested hypotheses. The issues raised are of a developmental nature and can contribute to Science.

The dissertation is a Scientific work which presents an argument that can be proven by the Author based on correct data and facts with certain analysis. This argument was asked or refuted by the Examiner / Senate Professor at a College. This dissertation contains the author’s own findings which are original. If this original can be defended by the author from the examiners’ arguments, the Author has the right to hold a Doctorate.

The Methodology of Making Science Works

Seven Kinds of Ilmiyah (Science) Attitudes

The author is expected to always ask about various things, why is that ?, what are the elements ?, How about replacing them with other components and so on.

Critical attitude
This critical attitude is realized by seeking as much information as possible, either by asking anyone who is thought to know the problem or by reading before determining what opinion to write about.

Open attitude
The author is always willing to listen to other people’s statements and arguments.

Objective attitude
The author is expected to state what it is without goals that do not lead to the truth, intimidation and so on.

An attitude of respect for the work of others 
This attitude is manifested by quoting and expressing gratitude for the writings of others and considering them as original compositions belonging to the Author.

Courage to defend the truth
This attitude is realized by defending the facts on the results of his research.

Attitude to reach forward 
This attitude is evidenced by the fusturistic nature, namely having far-sightedness, being able to make hypotheses and prove them, and even able to formulate new theories. These seven attitudes were conveyed by Brotowijoyo (1985: 33–34), quoted by E. Zainal Arifin in his book Basics of Written Ilmiyah (2003: 4–5).


Compiling scientific works can be grouped into 3 (three) groups;

1. To fulfill the requirements of a Bachelor, either a Thesis for Undergraduate (S1), a Thesis for a Strata Two (S2) or a Dissertation for a Strata Three (S3) has the following objectives; To assess the student’s ability to identify and solve problems scientifically To evaluate the research methodology skills of students.

2. Scientific works delivered in a seminar, such as Papers and Work Paper, are emphasized to be able to answer or provide solutions to problems that are made into topics.

3. Scientific works published in problem journals, such as articles to express opinions or perceptions of problems that arise.


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    Muamar Khadapi

    Beralamat di Cirebon, Jawa Barat

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