
Find Top 10 Isekai Manga 2021

If you’re new to manga, I welcome you to my humble guide into this wonderful world of free manga. Many famous titles have come and go in the top position and some of those manga titles that have left the top position were some of my favorite that had accompanied me through my younger years.

It’s a shame that many older Isekai Manga titles have been forgotten by the coming generations. Obviously some of those titles deserve to stay within the top titles and this article is my way to help remember those timeless titles. Here goes my top Isekai Manga 2021:

1. Dragon Ball Isekai Manga
Simply one of the best manga out there, I might say this was one of the titles that have helped jump started the rush of readers into reading manga. It started out with a cute, innocent little boy Son Goku that lives in the jungle with his trusty red stick on his back. Seeing this little boy jumping around the cliff into the woods and whacking dinosour absolutely took the heart of readers at that time. It’s sadly more famous because of the hair-changing super-power hero, but I’d say Akira Toriyama had built a unique world with unique characters at the very beginning of Dragon Ball which unfortunately has transformed into an overpowered hero battles that seem to have no end. It was very cool at the moment, but they’ve beaten this idea to death. I’m pretty sure they will soon run out of color for the Saiyan hair superpower.

2. Kung fu Boy
When you hear this title the name Chinmi should pop up right away. This amazing little gem showed how hard work, honesty and righteousness goes a long way. Chinmi started out as an unlikely hero who live in a very rural area. He lived with his monkey and his sister, the three of them led a humble lifestyle trying to support each other. One day a monk came to their village in search of a kung-fu genius based on an old prophecy. The kung-fu genius supposedly have a mole near the eyebrow but Chinmi did not have this mark despite showing an impressive battle against a group of hooligan. The old monk was disappointed but nonetheless interested in how Chinmi handled his fight. Somewhat disappointed, the old monk continued to watch the fight. As the fight was coming to an end, Chinmi narrowly missed a blow which caused part of his eyebrow to be cut. Only then the old monk discovered Chinmi’s hidden mole underneath his eyebrow. The old monk’s eyes widened having discovered the prophecy is true. The rest of the story is how Chinmi achieved his legendary status as a kung-fu master through honest, hard work, integrity. You don’t find much righteousness in mangas nowadays. It’s mostly euphoria, coolness, and just cheap shots at nudity to gain popularity.

3. Naruto
I loved Naruto when I was first introduced to it by a friend. What made me fall in love with Naruto at first sight was how smart every opponent was defeated. It was the cool ninja way … that made sense. Not only it made sense, it was logical that that would be the best way to defeat the opponent. The way the writer was able to present the stickiness of the situation only later through sheer wittiness our protagonist would eventually defeat the seemingly impossible situation. I loved it. Each and every fight was a delight, it got us involved in their fights. In fact, not only I wanted Naruto and friends to win, I wanted to know if I could help Naruto win by thinking ahead. But alas, all good things come to an end and as the story progressed, Naruto manga was infected with Dragon Ball syndrome where it became about powering up with no limit. Even worse, each progression to power became shorter and shorter and each increase of power became simply instantenously ridiculous and illogical. Such a shame…

4. One Piece?
The only reason I put a question mark for this manga title is simply I just couldn’t dive in to the exotic world of One Piece. Maybe because there’s just so much to read… yes, I think that it is. But I put question mark because I don’t want this to be a veto, I’m willing to open up and try to pick it up again in the future.

I hope my article has made your day and just so you know reading manga online has always made my day!

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